May 31st, 2011 at 03:23 am
I used this blog long ago to track my savings for Disney World. Somehow we are able to pull that trip off (barely) and we had an awesome time. Now I want to try to track my savings for a trip we have coming up to Myrtle Beach. We have 41 days. We will be staying in our popup camper. I have put a deposit down on the campsite but we still owe them I think $424.00. I also need to save some money for spending there. I am starting off with $41.49 in our ING account. Here we go again. ;P
Posted in
March 13th, 2009 at 01:13 am
I was not able to add my whole check this week but I am adding $259.00 of it. I am so worried that I am not going to make the goal. :/
Previous total: $219.51
Money today: $259.00
New total: $478.51
Posted in
March 11th, 2009 at 08:14 pm
I am still not having very much luck with this. It seems like last time I saved all that money it was change from all the money I was spending. I did get a check today from where I sold some DVDs on, and when I bought gas I overpaid by $2.xx and I am putting the dollar bills in. I plan to put most or all of my paycheck in the box tomorrow. I have worked hard to catch us up on all of our bills and should be able to do without my check this week.
Previous total: $175.53
Money today: $43.98
New total: $219.51
Posted in
March 1st, 2009 at 09:52 pm
It has obviously been a long long time since I posted here. We were saving for a trip to Disney but ended up pulling all of the money out of savings and blowing it. I couldn't tell you one thing we bought. Anyway. We are definitely going to Disney this time. We have already paid for the resort. We got a really really nice resort that is normally $316 per night for $336 for the whole week through my boss' timeshare. I will be putting our $850 tickets on my best friend's credit card and making payments. But now I have less than 2 months to come up with some spending money for us. I would like to save $1500. WIsh me luck. :/
Posted in
March 20th, 2007 at 12:45 am
Cha cha can bite me. I got an email today saying my account had been deactivated for "engaging in frivolous chat." Apparently you aren't allowed to have a conversation with the people who are searching. Even if they want to have one with you.
On top of that, I put in a lot of time and had over $50 worth of searches. They won't even pay me for that. I am furious.
Posted in
March 13th, 2007 at 04:15 am
Here is more detail about what a cha cha guide is for anyone interested.
"Cha Cha is a new search engine. What makes it different from other search engines is that the users have the opportunity to search with a guide. The guide is a real person in real time that communicates with them via chat and finds their results for them. Many times we may perform a search and instead of getting the results most relevant to what we are looking for, we instead get whichever pages hold the keywords and are ranked the highest. Just think, when this happens you can now communicate with a real person who is an expert in the topic you are seeking and have them direct you to the site you are looking for.
I did a few searches with a guide when they first launched and the process is slower than when you do it on your own. However, the results are more relevant so I think it balances out with the time you would spend tweaking your keywords and doing other searches.
A Cha Cha guide gets paid anywhere from $5-$20, or even $30, per hour. You can work whenever you want as much or as little as you like. You can also earn from your "downline," people you invite to also work as Cha Cha guides. You can earn up to 10% of what they make. So, it is like an MLM in that way. And it is a new MLM. New MLM's are good because if you are one of the first, you will have many people working under you.
Don't fret if you are interested but do not know anyone who works as a guide to invite you. I added a Cha Cha section to our new forums just for this purpose (and for Cha Cha guides to shoot the breeze, vent, or what have you). You can also find guides ready to offer you an invite on just about any of the active work at home forums on the web.
Once you have your invite, the process is a little intimidating (or at least it was for me) because you don’t find any information on the job. Instead, you are immediately thrown into the application process. You fill in your personal information, your tax information, and you download an application onto your computer to be used in your work. You also choose three keywords, things you are pretty well versed in, to start out working with. You then fill in your personal profile (should you want to) and you have access into the training section (finally!) where you can watch videos that teach you the ins and outs of working as a guide. Once you reach Master Level Status, you can then invite others and create your downline.
If you haven’t already, visit Cha Cha and try out their guided search!"
Text is and Link is
I have a few invites if anyone is genuinely interested. They don't give out invites much from what I hear.
Posted in
March 2nd, 2007 at 02:13 am
I am challenging myself to only spend $250 this month on groceries. If I find that its very easy, I will lower it for April. I have been budgeting $100 a week, but I don't need that much. I am going to try to add whatever extra I have left over to the challenge.
Posted in
February 26th, 2007 at 01:36 am
(If you should happen to read on the frugalvillage boards, this a copy of what I posted there.)
I had the BEST day today. LOL I shopped at two Goodwills and got some pretty good deals.
First store in Mooresville: (This store is brand new and was WAY overpriced on a lot of stuff. Some stuff was the same price or higher than it would be new. And then there cookbooks were $3 each.
- 3 Road Sign Adhesive Hooks. These match the road sign curtains I got at another Goodwill on Monday perfect. I have a pair of curtains I didn't list on ebay that I may hang in my son's room and use these hooks.
- A new with tags t-shirt for me that says "Trust me. I'm a lawyer."
- An Adidas t-shirt for me
- A new with tags shirt for DD with The Beatles on it
- Two more shirts for DD, one from The Children's Place (Other is Sonoma. I think that is Target??)
- A very nice pair of dress shoes for DD
- A like new pair of pants for DS with an adjustable waist and cargo pockets
- A Starter Athletics pullover for DS
Total: $19.22
Second Store in Cornelius:
- Pokemon book for DS
- Book for DD
- A cute set of magnets my DD wanted
- An adorable black and white skirt from Oshkosh for DD
- A really pretty Healthtex shirt for DD
- A Hulk shirt for DS
- A Batman shirt for DS
- A Guinness shirt for DH
- A really funny shirt for myself, looks new. I won't write what it says LOL
- A reed diffuser from Pier 1 (smells so good)
- (SO proud of this!) A BEAUTIFUL Easter dress for my daughter. Nicer than the one I bought at Wal Mart for $20. I will take that one back and put the money in my savings.
- And my favorite thing, a wooden folding TV tray that is the prefect size and height to hold my laptop while I am on the couch
Total: $27.02
On top of these great deals I did great on my grocery shopping. My total was $289.56. With my bonus card and stack of coupons I spent $158.24 (before taxes). I got a TON of stuff too. (I will list in another post some of the deals I got.)
Then as if it could get better (LOL) we had been searching at Goodwill for a nighstand table for my side of the bed. We had just got home and were putting up our groceries when my MIL called and asked us if we wanted a nighstand table she had! It has a magazine holder on one side, a little slide out table, and plenty of room to hold my junk.
Days don't get much better than this one. LOL
Posted in
February 21st, 2007 at 03:29 am
I spent just about all day listing stuff on ebay today. I started everything at .99 hoping that this will cause more bids, and also this made the insertion fees a little lower. Wish me luck!
Text is My Ebay Auctions and Link is
My Ebay Auctions
Posted in
February 2nd, 2007 at 04:12 am
We got our insurance cards in the mail today. I haven't had insurance since I was on my parents. LOL Well, other than pregnancy medicaid. The copays seemed kind of high to me but what do I know? It feels great to know that I can go to the doctor without having to make payments on it. Or if something happened and I had to I could go to the ER. It might cost me $150 but that's better than it would cost without insurance.
Posted in
February 2nd, 2007 at 04:08 am
I entered all of my info at and it says I should get back $5242 from federal and $670 from state. I was going to go ahead and file with them but I am afraid that I may have messed something up. When we go to file our taxes tomorrow if they tell us something much lower than that I am not sure I will get it done there.
Posted in
January 30th, 2007 at 11:11 pm
When I went to pick my son up from daycare today my car wouldn't start. It started fine when I took him this morning. I am off on Tuesdays and I didn't go anywhere other than his school today. It isn't even making noise like it's trying to start. I am 99.9% sure that I cut it all they way off this morning and my lights weren't on or anything. I am praying that it is just the battery and my DH can jump it off when he gets home from work. If it's not than I don't know what I will do. I don't have the money for car repairs. I haven't been having a good week.
Posted in
January 15th, 2007 at 07:04 pm
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